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미토콘드리아 관련 검사

A reduction in mitochondrial activity has been strongly linked with various neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, several mutations have been characterized that induce age-related mitochondrial malfunction. Scantox provides cell culture models that address the effect of compounds on mitochondrial activity and mitochondria related cell death in vitro.

Cell lines and primary neurons can be exposed to different toxins and examined for mitochondrial activity and mitochondrial membrane depolarization.

Primary E18 rat hippocampal neurons were cultured on poly-lysine coated glass coverslips until DIV8. Next, neurons were treated with FCCP, a protonophore and uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, for a defined period of time. Labeling of neurons with MitoTracker Red indicates active mitochondria. After fixation, neurons were labelled for MAP2. The effect of compounds on active mitochondria in soma versus neurites can be evaluated in individual neurons using Image Pro Plus software.


Figure: Effect of FCCP on active mitochondria in primary hippocampal rat neurons. FCCP treatment significantly reduced MitoTracker Red labeling in somata and neurites of primary rat hippocampal neurons (see graph). Images indicate (left) control neurons and (right) neurons upon FCCP treatment. MitoTracker labeling is indicated in red, MAP2 labeling in green.

Remark: This assay can also be performed with other mitochondria related toxins.

Differentiated SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells were lesioned with the Calcium ionophore ionomycin or with MPP+. Lesions were examined with JC-1 for mitochondrial membrane depolarization and with the MTT assay for cell viability in 96-well plates. JC-1 labelling was determined in a 96-well fluorescence plate reader with the appropriate filter settings. The ratio of red/green fluorescence in control cells was set to 100%. Compounds can be examined for their ability to counteract mitochondrial membrane depolarization induced by selected lesion agents.


Figure: Effect of ionomycin and MPP+ on mitochondrial membrane depolarization by JC-1 labeling. Images indicate control cells and cells lesioned with ionomycin or MPP+ for 3 hours. In intact mitochondria, JC-1 forms red fluorescent aggregates, whereas green fluorescent monomers indicate mitochondria with depolarized membrane potential.

Remark: These assays can also be customized for primary neurons.

Effect of Mitochondrial Toxins and Ca2+ Influx on Mitochondrial Function

Compound testing for the following indications:

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동물 모델

QPS Neuropharmacology는 형질전환 질병 모델을 생성하고, 특화하고, 유지하는 데 풍부한 경험이 있으며 20년이 넘도록 이를 신약 실험 프로젝트에 사용했습니다.
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조직학 서비스

QPS Neuropharmacology는 조직 표본 채취부터 실험 절차 및 결과가 모두 포함된 연구 보고서 제출에 이르는 전체 조직학 서비스를 제공합니다. 당사의 접근법은 고객의 특정 요구 사항에 따라 어떤 서비스든 맞춤화할 수 있는 일련의 절차적 구성 요소에 기반합니다. 고객은 당사의 워크플로우에서 시작점과 종점을 자유롭게 선택할 수 있습니다.
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바이오 마커

QPS Neuropharmacology는 다양한 질병 분석을 위한 분자 생물학적 방법에 있어 많은 선택지를 제공합니다. 해당 유닛은 QPS Neuropharmacology에서 수행하는 체외체내 연구를 지원합니다. 그리고 동일한 기술을 사용해 외부 전임상 연구 또는 임상 연구의 표본 분석을 정기적으로 수행합니다. 임상 표본뿐 아니라 전임상 체외 및 체내 연구에 동일한 분석 방법을 사용함으로써 고객 연구 프로젝트의 해석적 가치를 증가시킵니다.
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